Saturday, July 3, 2010

Alright so a lot has happened with Ubuntu since our last post, but lets get everyone updated. The new volunteers, Ben # 1, Ben # 2, and Antony have become familiar with the dynamics of our ministry. Their special gifts and qualities have been an asset to the ministry of Ubuntu. So far we have been running soccer practices with different schools. We have had practices with the primary schools from Simons Town, Kleinburg, and Capricorn. Also since then the World Cup has taken off and we have incorporated that into our ministry. In the past couple of weeks we have had soccer clinics in Ocean View. Each practice we have focused on a particular skill linked with a popular soccer term. Also the Edward brothers from Raleigh visited helping us with our ministry. The first practice we had comprised of short passing and the word we used was Ke Nako (Which means "its time" or "the good news"). We talked about the the gospels and how Jesus is the good news who has come to save his people. The next clinic we focused on Long passing and used the word Ayoba (which means "amazing). We discussed how Jesus preformed amazing miracles like raising Lazarus from the dead. The third clinic we focused on ball handling and talked about Waka Waka (the hit Shakira song which means "full of life"). We discussed how Jesus came to give us life and have to the fullest. The most recent clinic we focused on shooting and linked up with the word Jabulani (Which means "celebration"). This was fun day because after the kids would score goals we would have them preform their best celebration dances. We also talked about palm sunday and how the people in Jerusalem waved palmed branches to celebrate the coming of Jesus. We also continue to hangout with the kids in Ocean View, take them to McDonald's, play games, and just laugh with them. Also we had a bible study with kyle, reagan, and kaka today which went really well. We will have another clinic tomorrow and talked about the word "Ubuntu," a familiar word to most of us. But for now tune in with us next time as we discuss more of our exciting adventures happening in SA!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Kicking Crime

Our friends, Ambassadors In Sport, have a program called the Hope Academy here in a prison in South Africa. They were highlighted last night on ABC News Nightline. Check it out, it's a great story, and they are great friends. Cheers, Casey