Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Festival Follow-up

This Sunday we had a Thank You Gathering for all the coaches, volunteers, and planning team. We hosted it at our house and had some goodies, but also wanted a chance to be in front of these people again. We shared the vision for Ubuntu Sports Outreach so that it would be clear why we exist and where we are going. We also showed them the video that you see on the blog. They LOVED that. So many of them wanted copies to show other people! Then we spent some time talking about the positives of the festival and things we can improve on.
We live in a very wounded community, so lots of our meeting time was spent with them fleshing out the problems of sports in Ocean View and the surrounding area. Most of it I had heard before, but it was good for the rest of our team to hear, and for them to feel 'heard' by us. They were basically saying that the festival really filled a gap for their kids and should continue. They really want the festival to happen more than once a year!! That was great affirmation that we ran a great event. We were so encouraged by our whole time together with them. I'm not sure yet that we are wanting to make that jump, but it's great to know that it's wanted.
As we continue to share the event's success with our host school and other community advocates we are hoping to generate more support, sponsorship, and partners for years ahead. Let's do it!!


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